Friday, November 22, 2013

Wicket! First Dota 2 Cast

Happy Friday Motherfuckers!

Today, a little break from the usual TF2 spy video commentaries.
Once upon a time, I used to play Dota 2 a lot lol ... then I got tired of it pretty hard, but
I always like watching some Dota 2 when I take a break from backstabbing people in TF2.

This week, my friend Wicket! (aka Queen of Swag) had decide to begin to cast some Dota 2!
So shout-out to her! Check her out on her twitch channel for more Dota 2 awesomeness.
You can find her casts and her gameplays here:

Enjoy her first Dota 2 cast :D!

» Also, you can watch the cast on her Twitch: