Sunday, December 15, 2013

Payload Extreme Sheninigans

Sup Folks!

As everybody know, I like to play a lot of on the No Heroes TF2 Payload Extreme server, because it is fun and entertaining. I've come across some fun TF2 replays that I saved and then edited to put on my Youtube channel for your entertainment.

For obvious reasons, there is a lot of those clips will have some Spy action included xD ...
Some less fancy than others, but all pretty entertaining to watch in my opinion.
Hope you guys will enjoy!

More of my TF2 clips:
My Youtube channel:

Here down below are the three recent clips that I come up with.

» I failed at Stairstabbing Wicket! and died for it xD ...

» A smooth cornerstab on the Queen of Swag.

» Spof and I doing our spy stuffs to unlucky people xD ...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Scrimming and Text Bindings

Sup Everyone!

So much Doto, TF2 and Killing Floor in the past few days. It was pretty good. Now I played some TF2 Scrims and got some more to come in the next few days with Team Never Sober ( I updated my Spy scripts and change/add a few text bindings to get along with the team comms/coordination and stuffs.

My text bindings so far resemble to this to cover Intel and my current status:

  1. //Text Bindings
  2. bind "f" "say_team ***Sapping***"
  3. bind "g" "say_team ***Gun Down***"
  4. bind "v" "say_team ***Medic Down***"
  5. bind "x" "say_team ***Enemy Uber 50%+***"
  6. bind "c" "say_team ***Enemy Uber 80%+***"
  7. bind "r" "say_team ***Enemy Uber 100%***"
  8. bind "CAPSLOCK" "say_team *Enemy Med Respawn*"
  9. bind "mouse3" "say_team ***CERBER PLZ!!!***"

I'll probably adjust the script some more during the next few weeks.
You can check my updated Spy script here:

**If you want to schedule a scrim with Team Never Sober (, please go to the website and post in the Scrims Thread and a Team Leader will get in contact with you shortly after.

» In other news, Timbersaw is such a bad ass for the motherfucking suicidal lane!

Timbersaw, The Chain Saw Guy

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Few Days Of Redboxing ...

Hiya Folks!

Well it's been a couple days that the No Heroes Redbox Event have started.
It been great so far! A couple of friends are already in the main top 10.
I have been able to get in Secret Santa list for now as I wanted.

If I could get a golden key that would be great. Giving me 100 Secret Santa Points!
I'm looking forward for this week special Redbox Double Feature, it's going to be chaotic.
Here are a few stuffs that happen during the Redboxing Hours.

Wicket!'s First Place :D

Chilling With Wick Waiting For A Box

Spof And Ety Testing Out Killstreak Effects

» Chilling with the Queen of Swag and a wild dumb demo appeared xD ...

» Killing stuffs with la Bombe while waiting for a redbox to spawn!

» Spof and Renegade racing for a hard to reach Redbox on Nucleus!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

No Heroes Redbox Event #4 Has Started!

Good Saturday Everyone!

So the No Heroes Redbox Event IV has started yesterday and it was pretty chaotic already xD. There seems to be a lot more competitors this year for the top 10. I mean that what makes Redbox one of the best events of No Heroes can offer (Beside Double Feature of course :P). I had a lot of fun last year and I'll have some as well this time around!

Even though I won't try the top 10, I'll do what I can to end up in the Secret Santa pool.
I didn't get any box yesterday lol, but good luck to everyone!
Have fun and enjoy this commentary :)

» Here a video in case you guys didn't know what the No Heroes Redbox Event is :) ...

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Stabby Stabby's "Everything Pack"

Hi Everyone!

I'm a big fan of Stabby Stabby (Amazing Platinum Spy) and he released all the tricks and
configs he used on Reddit yesterday. I mean I need to give him a shoutout!
I'll definitely check it out to test some stuffs I may like and that you may like as well.

Here you can see what the thread is about:

Also, this is my favorite spy video of his. Inspirational Enough :).

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

That Dota 2 Thingy Again D: !

Sup Everyone!

So yesterday I started playing Dota 2 again D: !
It was 3 months since my last game lol xD ... but I still got it with Naix!
Even though I lost the games I played, it was still surprisingly fun to play.

I still got a lot to learn from all the new stuffs in Dota 2 lol ... It's going to be mess.
It was already a mess in the jungle. Why did they messed with my jungle D: !!!
No worries I'm still going to play Spy, but it's just going to be 50% Spy and 50% Lifestealer :P.

I just realised that some things will never change, but thankfully some do. :)

Typical Infested Templar Assasin

» Here is one highlight of the shit show games. Glad the Wick/Frost combo still rock :D !

» DOTABUFF's stats of the game:

Monday, November 25, 2013

Post MLG Sadness and Duck Watch

Happy Monday Everyone!

Well this was a long weekend of watching some epic MLG Tournament of Dota 2 and it was amazing. Sadly, the team I was rooting for didn't win the tournament, but they deliver an outstanding performance through out the weekend and end up 2nd which not that bad for a newly reformed team.

All Shout-out to Team DK! BurNIng, Mushi, iceiceice, LaNm, MMY!!
They were great to watch and deliver some awesome plays.
I said it before and I'll say it again iceiceice's Timbersaw was just simply orgasmic!

I miss my Naix quite a lot after watching so much Dota 2 D:

Naix, The Lifestealer

» So here a commentary on the use of the Invisible Watch and my Post-MLG Sadness.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Wicket! First Dota 2 Cast

Happy Friday Motherfuckers!

Today, a little break from the usual TF2 spy video commentaries.
Once upon a time, I used to play Dota 2 a lot lol ... then I got tired of it pretty hard, but
I always like watching some Dota 2 when I take a break from backstabbing people in TF2.

This week, my friend Wicket! (aka Queen of Swag) had decide to begin to cast some Dota 2!
So shout-out to her! Check her out on her twitch channel for more Dota 2 awesomeness.
You can find her casts and her gameplays here:

Enjoy her first Dota 2 cast :D!

» Also, you can watch the cast on her Twitch:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

K/D Ratio and Stuffs

Hiya Motherfuckers :) !

All the people that play Spy on a regular basis will tell you that they die all the time and  that is fine, because I do too! What I mean is that you shouldn't worry about your K/D ratio when you play Spy.

You will die so much, it might be depressing at times, but as long as you reach your goal in the end, it is worth the trouble. Go get that medic pick. Go get that engy nest. Do it!

I made a French Canadian commentary about it xD.
Why French you ask ? I don't even know lol ... I just felt like it.

Enjoy :) !

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Hall of Death Double Team Capping

Happy Saturday everyone!

The last No Heroes Double Feature was good as always. All the maps were
great as ever including that interesting payload map, pl_promotion_b5.
A lot of spy action were done as well as some rage xD.

The map "Hall of Death" was amazingly fun and chaotic.
I got a double fast intel cap with Etybagig, it was good enough! #YOLO #NBD


» And just in case you don't know what No Heroes Double Feature is :) !

Friday, November 15, 2013

Shoutcast and NH Double Feature!

Hi motherfuckers!

I took a little break from the Spy Commentaries.
I felt like doing some TF2 shoutcasting! Fuck Yeah!
Shoutout to Taco Supreme !!! to send me this game.

I will restart doing commentaries shortly. For now, it is No Heroes Double Feature Tonight!
Some quite interesting maps: ctf_hotspring_b3apl_promotion_b5 and ctf_hallofdeath.
I may or may not record some live gameplay during the event who knows !?

Fuck Yeah Fuckers :D !

Enjoy! :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

Aiming in tr_aim

Hiya folks!

Sometimes, I practice my aiming on tr_aim if I feel like my aim is way off at times.
I think It's great to warm up a bit in there. Here are my thoughts in this spy commentary.

Enjoy! :)

You can download the map tr_aim here:
You can get my Spy Script (spy.cfg):

"Try Harder !" -Front Toward Enemy

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Kunai Is A Shit Show

Hi motherfuckers :) !

I've done a little live commentary on the Kunai to share some of my thoughts.
Spoilers alert! I'm not a big fan of the knife, but it can be interesting at times ... I think.
It doesn't go too well with my spy play-style, but some spies could find this knife handy.

Conniver's Kunai

Tele Camping Is Motherfucking Amazing

Like I said in the title of this post. Fuck Yeah! It is amazing.
If you see an unguarded teleporter go for it!
Don't be afraid or ashamed to do it! It is some free points!

It is hilarious and fun to see how many people can fall to your knife.
I mean some people will just go on and on that teleporter xD.
So have fun and tele camp the shit out of those teleporters!

» I showed to Wicket! how to properly Tele Camp those poor souls :) !

» When you tele camp, you got to watch your surrounding or else ... you will die.

» More Tele Camping By Wicket!, because it's just so good xD.

Tele-Fragging And Have Fun With It!

Sup people!

If you need to escape or just want to have fun :D,
you should tele-frag engies when you are able to!

It is not a reliable way to kill engies, but it can work
at times when the engy don't pay attention to his teleporter
while he removes your sapper.

So have fun and do it !

Here two examples of my successful tele-frags:

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Etybagig's Extra Life Marathon

Hi motherfuckers!

My friend Etybagig and great Spy is doing his Extra Life Marathon today!
Check him out if you have some spare time! Do it!:
Maybe you will see some crazy Spy plays as well :)

"Everybody's a little slutty" -Etybagig

Friday, November 8, 2013

Hiding/Decloak Spots

It is Friday! Fuck Yeah Fuckers!
Here is some random live commentary on hiding/decloak spots.

One good Protip: Always be aware of your surrounding before you hide!


P.S. Sorry if my Canadian accent is too strong :P

My Favorite Spy Loadout

Hiya Folks!

This video right here is why I love my Ambassador/Festive Knife loadout.
By far the best one that help me in many situations.

If you haven't try this loadout, give it a shot :) ! It's Freaking Amazing.
It goes well with the Dead Ringer as well as the Invisible Watch.

My Current Loadout

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Teaming Up With Other Spies In Pubs

Pro tip in pub games,
Always work with other spies. You will do better in the long run.
Also, It will be more fun that way as well :)
Time for some spying!

"Can everybody just get along ?" -Spof

Practice Trickstabs On tr_walkway_rc2

Hi motherfuckers :)

Here is a spy commentary that I did a few weeks ago.
On practicing some trickstabs on my favorite TF2 training map, tr_walkway_rc2.
I really recommend it! It is worth the time to make your tricks smoother.

You can download the map tr_walkway_rc2 here:

Have fun!

"Just be faster" -Deacon Frost

Egyptian Stairstab

For a first post here,
A smooth old fashion stairstab :)

"You Canadian Marshmallow!" -Wicket!