Friday, December 19, 2014

The Spy Dream


What is the Spy dream ? It's getting 100+ points in one round on a Payload map.

The Spy Dream

So as I said in the previous posts, I recently restarted playing Spy again for the Holidays (Doto 2 and USF4 still rocks my boat tho). Jesus do I suck at the moment lol I'm still rusty as hell, but I do get plenty of fun out of it. I'm at least able to target people correctly and track them down over and over. Sadly, I'm still far from the Spy dream that I could achieve once in a while in my pubs. My best run for the dream so far was like 78 points so I was 22 points away or 11 stabs away. People are so intense these days tho, but that is just an excuse.

I usually achieved the dream when both team are equally skill-match, but with the enemy team been dumb enough so I can get some easy chainstabs to get free points out of it. Another way to get free points is a map with a lot of highground places to open your chainstabs with an air stab. With that said, my top 3 maps are easily BarnBlitz, Badwater and Cashworks for that reason. I love those maps for their escape routes too, the longer you live, the more you get kills obviously. I gotta stay chill as well, I get on tilt so fast when there like 3+ pyros on the field. 

I mean I know the dream is dead when Bear or Rocker switch from Sniper to Pyro lol. To be fair tho, 100+ points equal to 50 stabs so someone on the team will probably be pissed off for some spy-checking at some point. The idea is to get to 50 stabs without triggering to much "rage" pyros. Pushing the cart for free shameless points lol and destroying an engy nest by yourself is pretty worth it. I still believe in the dream I just need to be more patient in my spying.

Also on an unrelated note, all the drops in the NH Redbox event #5 are so fucking huge compared to previous years for some reason I'm so distracted by them LMAO.


Game On!